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The franchiser, [Name of the franchiser], and the franchisee, [Name of the franchisee], as set forth in their franchise agreement on [Date of the agreement] and as witnessed by [Name of the witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:

It will be the responsibility of the franchisee to construct the following of store locations and be operational before the required expiration date of [Expiration date] this date is based of contractual agreement dated [Agreement Date]. It will the responsibility of the franchisee to develop the following number of [Name of business] business in the following succession [number of stores and allotted time frame]:

All businesses will be within the franchise operational area. It is an express condition of this agreement that the above-stated numbers of franchise units shall be opened and operating on schedule and shall continue to do business throughout the term of or any extension of this agreement.

Franchiser Dated

Franchisee Dated

Witness Dated

Witness Dated